Wednesday Nov 04, 2020

Strategies to reduce the overwhelm of motherhood with Mim Dart

This week I speak with Mim Dart who provides strategies on how to reduce the overwhelm of motherhood. Mim is a lifestyle coach who focuses on the overwhelm of motherhood. She explains that motherhood doesn't have to feel overwhelming and as mothers, we are allowed to have a positive experience of motherhood. We get so many mixed messages about motherhood, especially from social media, and this leads us to compare ourselves to others and increases the feelings of overwhelm and believe that we "should" be showing up in certain ways. These feelings can be debilitating, but as you will hear during the episode with Mim, they don't have to be. We discuss strategies you can use immediately to manage the overwhelm. A big part of this is about reflecting on what is important to you and your family and staying focused on this and blocking out all the external messages. Mim explains the season of motherhood can last >18 years and we don't deserve to spend this time feeling exhausted, burnt out, and unhappy. We deserve to live over a quarter of our lives happy and living our best lives possible. The good news, you can choose how you want to feel in motherhood and curate a life that aligns with this. It is ok to feel good during motherhood. We also talk about the importance of self-care and looking after ourselves as mothers. So much of the family's mood and culture comes from the parents, particularly the mothers. If you are feeling good Mumma, then it is likely that the rest of the family will feed off this energy. This shows the importance of filling your cup and the impact this has on those around you. Connect with Mim Dart via her website, Facebook or Instagram. Continue the conversation and join the free Working Mumma Community on Facebook, connect with me on Instagram @workingmummacommunity or follow Working Mumma on LinkedIn.

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